Umbrella Service Sheet


NoPalaver outsourcing for the contractor

Contractor Umbrella Company at NoPalaver Umbrella

The origins of NoPalaver Umbrella date back to 2004. Market demands have shaped the way it has developed for contractors and the solutions provided by the Umbrella company.

An “Umbrella” company solution was one such solution developed in order to meet the needs of professional contractors requiring the services of an “Umbrella” structure within which to operate. The business forms an integral part of The NoPalaver Group meeting all of the operating needs of today’s professional contractors.

NoPalaver Umbrella has a commercial relationship with literally hundreds of recruitment companies of all sizes and operating across a number of market sectors. These companies refer contractors needing advice to NoPalaver and have been doing so for a number of years.

There are of course a number of “Umbrella” companies in the marketplace offering variants on a theme but NoPalaver Umbrella are proud to possess a significant presence built upon a reputation for offering open and honest advice whilst providing an efficient and compliant solution.

An Independent View

There are a number of Umbrella member sites popping up which provide independent views resulting from secret shopper type enquiries.

This is what Umbrella Supermarket had to say about one facet of The NoPalaver Group’s service, NoPalaver Umbrella Limited:-

What they said. “NoPalaver’s Umbrella service has been up & running from May 07 and focuses on keeping their contractors compliant at all times. They will ensure you trade compliantly and not encourage any fraudulent expense claims” “They excel in terms of ethical standards; they will explain their services in clear simple terms and have a good grasp of current complex legislation that affects you as a contractor. Their website is readable and makes sense to a newcomer”.

In a Nutshell “NoPalaver is the engineers’ choice, with their expertise in the field, though any contractor would be happy with NoPalaver”.

Source: - 13th October 2009

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